Posts tagged “coconut

Trail mix

This is probably the simplest healthy snack you could put together. 

Take 2 oz of each of your favorite nuts, dried berries, unsweetened coconut flakes, dark chocolate chips (optional!), etc.  Put them all in a gallon size storage baggie and shake.  Voila.

For me this mix lasts a week or more.  Because my particular goal is disease recovery and weight loss I limit my consumption of this to 2 oz daily.  (It’s not a bad idea to limit intake of nuts anyway, even if you are healthy due to the skewed omega 3/omega 6 ratio found in nuts.)  I don’t generally eat this every day, but it is a great snack to keep with you for those days when you get the munchies, are working late, stuck in traffic, or end up at one of those precarious work parties where everybody is pushing food at you.  It’s a whole lot easier to fight temptation when you’re armed.  So be prepared and enjoy!